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Formula - Context

Use the context Formula function to extract values from the Context part (key/value) of a Log Event. For example, the context part can be HTTP Headers, Tracked properties (Logic Apps) or Context properties (BizTalk).

Quick example

Let's get you started with the following example:

Input Expression Result
Correlation Id = demo001

Context('Correlation Id')

Text Data Context Unique values


  • Extracts all data from any text-based structure in the key-value collection

This plugin loads the entire message into RAM, so make sure to apply this function only on small messages..

How to use

To configure the Formula plugin with the Context function:

  1. Select Formula as the expression type plugin.
  2. Write down the expression to use in the 'Expression' text area with the named Key to extract Context('Correlation Id')
  3. The Context Values are displayed in the Message Context tab
  4. The result is displayed



The Context function has the following parameter

  • Context('MessageContextKeyName')

Next Step

How to Add or manage Search Fields
How to Add or manage Log Views